The quantity surveyor’s role on cost assessment and rehabilitation in Awaking of Abandoned Project. One of the major factors against the growth and development of Nigeria economy and its construction industry is the issue of cost assessment and rehabilitation of abandoned project. Abandoned has eaten so deep into the Nigeria construction industry. An abandoned building represents the loss of a commercial on residential resources, the state of leaving a building permanently uncompleted and if the needs of abandoned buildings are not addressed immediately, time takes a further tool on the structures, making returning the property to use an increasing expensive and difficult ventures. Rehabilitation in the building industry simply means to bring back to normal life after imprisonment. Wastage of the utilized manpower, lost of plant and equipment by the contractor and experience employee, lowering of living standard and disappointment of the government. Cost assessment means the ability of the quantity surveying to evaluate the value, importance or quality of a particular project it can also be defined as the scope of the Quantity Survey involvement during the pre-contract and post contract stage of a project, such as in term valuation, rehabilitation simply means bringing the building back to normal stage where it can be of usefulness to the economy. It is used in assessing of abandoned project and also feasibility study. Cost assessment and rehabilitation in construction projects undermines the delivery of infrastructure services. This research is based on the role the Q.s play in abandonment and rehabilitation of project in Nigeria construction industry. Awaken – to stop abandoning of project to stir up the habit of completing the project. In carrying out this research questionnaires were distributed to professionals like the Q.S, Architect and builders etc as the primary source of data. A detailed on site condition evaluation and survey of the building was taken were office and site was visited. Why should Q.S be involved in documentation and monitoring of project. From analysis of finding result shows. Causes of construction project abandonment and rehabilitation and inadequate planning, dispute, inadequate fund, wrong estimate, client and contractor bankruptcy and so on in agreement with Essenwa (2004) and Adedeji (1998). Conclusion as a developing economy couple with oil boom and the civil war both government and the non-governmental agency has in the time past rush into large construction project without much consideration of the cost and importance of this projects. I was able to discus the causes, effects and treated some abandoned project and suggested solutions as to this problem of pack of cost assessment and rehabilitation of abandon construction projects.
Longman Dictionary defines ‘abandon’ as to stop doing something because there are too many problems and it is impossible to continue.
Planning is foremost thing to be done if projects are to be completely executed (Akindoyeni, 1989). Corroborating, coorbmiting, Ogunsemi (1991) the successful completion of a project depends on adequate planning which also includes financial planning. The sight of abandoned projects scattered across the length and breadth of Nigeria is alarming. Abandoned projects including building, civil engineering and heavy engineering development project like: houses, churches, schools, roads, bridges, dams, tunnels, air port, sea port e.t.c. litter the whole Nigeria.
The Nigeria construction industry continues to occupy an important position in the nation’s economy even through it contributes less than the manufacturing or other service industries. The contribution of the construction industry to national economic growth necessitates improved efficiency in the industry by means of cost effectiveness and timelines and would certainly contribute to cost savings for the country as a whole.
A major criticism facing the Nigeria construction industry is growing rate of abandoned of project delivery.
The construction industry plays a very dominant role in the economy of any nation. A healthy economy usually experience an increase in construction activities, but in a depressed economy. The incidence of project abandoned tends to be more prevalent. This applies to Nigeria where construction investments account for over 50% of the gross fixed capital formation.
Akindoyeni (1989) quantitatively reasoned that some of the causes of project abandonment in Nigeria are: deaths of client, inability of client to attract fund and lack of good planning. This study is set up to quantitatively determine other causes of abandoned project and their effects on the construction industry economy.
This will help to proffer solutions that will drastically reduce abandonment of projects in Nigeria.
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