It is the intrusion of the study to examine an how unemployment could be reduced through co-operative societies in Anambara East local government area. The objective of this research work is to bring to the co-operative ( societies) In the area of studying an how unemployment could be reduced. I also form tied out the type of unemployment problems that could be encountered these are normal and transitional unemployment , seasonal unemployment transitional unemployment and structural unemployment other issues like agriculture , poverty e t c was also pointed out . Some authors writers and school have already done much work on this topic and these contributions were merely revisited .
Co –operative is the fundamentals social and economic process, by which the family countries and whole nations are able to function . it has long been characteristic to form association to provide food shelter and employment and other form of method support mutual benefits to be derived by families and individual working together at harvest or other agreed time and be seen in many countries ground the world being a way to organize man-power to achieve a particular purpose an objectives e.g building of house or other communal facilities likes, digging at well e t c
Co-operative has evolved as a strategy to generate economic activity in are of high unemployment and where the local economy is weak or virtually non- existence membership is open to the residents of particular locality. The establishment of community enterprises will be responsible for number of specific projects at one him . it will both initiate business ideas and help local people develop their own ideas it may interview in various way in the local economy it may sponsor projects of community benefit in addition to its own trading creativities and business development work. It is likely to be both holding company and local development agency and seek to provide a community owned structure in a particular locality on which can initiate economic activity on behalf of the residents, some community grown specific enterprises might time be floated as self standing business like co-operative societies.
The community business is the more than a trading organization . it is a means of stimulating new business growth in area and among people where there is little or no tradition of entrepreneurial activities and usually a history of long-term unemployment and social deprivation.
Community co-operatives and community business are established mostly in area of high unemployment, where the standing point is likely to be the question posed by local people ; WHAT CAN WE DO TO TACKLE UNEMPLOYMENT? The search for forms of self help by community groups and the unemployed them selves have gained considerable momentums in the last decade. As practical experience has been gained, more area action born of a growing belief that neither public nor private industry will be quick to provide the job that are needed and of a preference to do same thing rather than wait on other action.
The problem of lack of employment opportunities which seem to have returned to plague is with renewed force now there is vast ion in 1983, the country labour force employed 1.157 million people year later this had risen to 1.3million which show that 12% increase over the post two decade , the Labour force have increased by 142,000. put over the decade, the unemployed increased by 141,000.50 these who joined the rank of the Labour force marched straight to the dole queue.
A cruel twist is that many of our emigrants and unemployed are the bright graduates of our universities and other higher institutes they were educated with the tax payers money.
Nigerian society is divided into two:
Many reasons have been given for this critical situation regarding jobs. Particularly in the field of industry some we shore with all the countries of the European community such as the movement of capital to the cheap Labour countries of the pacific and the impact of new technology other reasons perhaps are more peculiar to Nigerian such as the rapid growth of population. Owing to performance report of ‘’MAMSER” AS reported in the guardian newspaper edition of 3rd February, 1995, p.6) l would like to argue that our whose approach to development since the mass mobilization and self economic relaxed programmer in the 80s has been misguided. How ever there is a fact that country can succeed in providing a reasonable standard of living for it is citizens without developing its own trade instantiated and able to compete in the international market in that respect co-operative activities most be developed and relailively large enough to absorb our unemployed graduate
In order to understand and explain the nature and essence of some the fundamental problem of unemployment in term of these concept and in particular to make practical proposal for the actual solutions to these problem it would be necessary to wider this analysis to include the study are can temporary socioeconomic attitudes to the development of the man-power this needs stems from the fact that economic technology structural and simile factors can explain only to a certain extent some the actual cause of dismissal from jobs while the reason for the emergenly and continuances of mass unemployment as mentioned earlier can only be discovered by the analysis of the relevant social- economic phenomena and relationship programmers designed to deal with unemployment put forward by different national organization are very similar in many import respect and even identical this creates condition favorable action in the 1101).
In this content one most mention the subject of further Scientifics studies oft the problem of unemployment including all the relevant questions of an economic sociological and social political, character to study the extent od the actual influence if the technological and scientific revolution and the rationalization of production upon the level of unemployment in various parts of economy to conduet joint research project on such subject as co-operative and the unemployment problem discussion in the research work will also based on impact to the economy and element of democratic control of economic activities and of equal distribution of the surplus produces
How ever since co-operative consider the entrancement of member well being as their form ideology them it must work towards that target. Also this research study is for merrily concerned in addition to the prosily enumerated contribution to fund out ways of making co-operatives look like an economic effort directed towards the over the socio economic development and growth by making job creation as the prime ingredient towards this forget.
The pain of unemployment and waste of resource on the process kept striking my mind having painstakingly devoted my research to an empirical study of how we can successfully bring the unemployment deficiency to an abrupt stop., we are certainly left with no other aphonic to choose frame, anther then through an adoption of a socio- economic model of mortal self help where the unemployed individual could join together to achieve a common end though in the formation of co-operative business enterprises taking critical look at these statement above the major and main objectives of this study are :
Some of the question that the researcher has in mind while carrying out this research work are.
The area of study or research is Anambara east local government area of Anambara state the research is to determine the impact capability and effect of unemployment reduce through co-operative movement societies with specific emphasis an
The research cavers the operation of co-operative movement the operation of co-operative movement and other with view to finding out to what extent they generate and create employment both to produce this work the researcher forced several handicaps which include inadequacy of date non co-operative attitude of some official visited resulting in their relieve to down lode some vital information about their societies and how the societies do carry out their operation it was not easy to content some of the official of the local government channels co-operative division whose experience would have helped the researcher in developing a broad approach even when contacted they railed to disclose some information.
Finance was also a problem which almost hindered the completion of this research It limited our traveling to societies and their research centers with our coverage so we had to act an the materials within our reach.
Adeyeye S.O ( year 1998) the co-operative movement in Nigerian , Yes Friday today and tomorrow publication of the institute for co-operative in developing countries Philip university, malbarge F R G
Daily time 19th September 1998 P2 Grunion, 3rd February 1998 P.2 110, co-operative management and Administering Geneuai 2nd reused Edition 1988 work for allocating search resources stimulating economic growth and entiancing economic welfare. It raises the income level of the people by providing income earning opportunities. It serves a training ground for entreprenevship and it is a mobilize of human material resource for economic transformation
Co-operative can eradicate poverty through the following ways and means
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