The effect of oil spillage and other industrial wastes on our environment have been a major concern in the Warri area. This write up provides a detailed study of oil spillage. It also contain an overview of soil composition and fertility in the Warri area. Finally this project highlighted the consequences of oil spillage on soil and crop performance in the Warri area. The effectiveness of various results obtained depends on the nature of oil, relative properties of the soil and soil environment. Also this work gives some possible control measures to check spillage.
1.0 introduction 1
1.1 The nature and consequences of environmental pollution 2
1.2 aim and objectives 3
1.3 statement of problem 4
1.4 limitation of study 4
1.5 justification of study 5
2.0 literature review 6
2.1 soil and its properties 6
2.2 soil survey and soil particle size distribution in warri 8
2.3 oil spillage 10
2.4 causes of oil spillage 11
2.4.1 Mechanical failure 12
2.4.2 Operational discharges 12
2.4.3 Sabotage 12
2.4.4 Natural hazards 12
2.4.5 Corrosion 13
3.1 materials 21
4.1 Discussion 29
4.1.1 Soil ph 29
5.1 recommendations 33
Reference. 35
In the oil producing areas, oil pollution has become a problem that calls for urgent attention due to its devastating effect on the environment. Oil pollution has a detrimental effect on the ecosystem and its effect are usually very visible and sometimes very devastating.
According to Nelson, (1999) pollution is said to occur when there is a release into the environment of substances and energy in quantities which are detrimental to man and other living organisms.
The environment here comprises of the Landscape ie soil, air, bodies of water, streams and lakes. There is also evidence that due to the activities of man, there has been a release into the soil substances that affects the soil structure, crop performance and the vegetation at large.
The effect of man’s operations on terrestial environment includes the interferance with the structure of land surface, the immediate sub-surface, streams and lakes. Petroleum and its components that have been released into the environment is eventually degraded into simple compounds of their constituent elements by physiochemical or biological agencies of the soil with or without human assistance and that had become innocuous after a long period of time.
Thus, when oil spillage occurs, its effects are usually pronounced on the soil flora and fauna as well as the soil structure.
The nature and scope of environmental pollution which result mostly from the activities in the oil industry varies extensively. These activities include:
The socio – economic and environmental impact of these activities result to:
It is worthy of note that while the oil industry in Nigeria ranks high in the ladder of environmental polluters, it is also the most actors in combating pollutions.
The incessant oil spillage in the oil producing area of Warri and its surroundings has led to the downturn of growth of main economic plants which is as a result in the depletion of soil nutrients that are responsible for the growth of these vegetation. The result of which led to:
The occurance of these oil spillage mostly in the river area of Warri has led to the mass exodus of people in search of their livelihood. The large quantities of crude oil spill on the environment has led to the depletion of the soil nutrient, soil structure, death of soil micro-organism, soil pollution and natural disasters which has made the land infertile and unhabitable for the survival of the inhabitants, many of which are subsistence farmers and making the people impoverish leaving the land undeveloped.
This work is limited to oil spillage on soil properties and the performance of crops in the Warri area. A detail study of this work would have being carried out but due to the following constraints which include inability to lay hands on some vital publications, unavailability of some chemicals, reagents and materials in the department, time for research work and inaccessibility to the affected site in Warri due to the bad terrain of the road for vehicl to ply.
Much emphasis have been laid on the effeciency and effectiveness of management and control of oil spillage on soil and crop performance in the Warri area. This have greatly affected the environment of the area. The promotion of effective control is a function of effective management.
This research will enable environmentalist and companies involved in causing oil spillage to realize that effective management and control is one of their major responsibility and is necessary to promote improve crop yield, healthy environment and good soil fertility.
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