ABSTRACT: Microbiological examination of pathogenic bacteria in raw mell samples from a diary farm in Fulani cattle settlement in Emene, Enugu was carried out. 30 samples were screened, viable plate count standard plate count of different colonial forms observed are Senate Bacillus SPP (27) respectively. The gram etarning result indicate negative Cocci, creamy in colour on blood agar and gram positive rods that occurs in chain, whitish on maccollney agar. Which are characteristics of Serretia SPP and Bacillus SPP . It is suggested that mell maids and mell processors should was the udder of the cow, Etenlise their equipment and containers as well as improving their personal hygiene. These will contribute in no small measure to the quality of products in our make industries as well as the good health of man especially the Fulani cattle rearers that drink milk without pasteurization.
Introduction 1
1.1 objective of the study 4
Aim of the study 4
Hypothesis 5
Statement of problems 5
Limitations 5
Justifications 6
Literature Review 7
Materials and methods 14
3.1 materials (see appendix) 14
Methods 14
Results 19
Discussion 25
Conclusion and recommendation. 27
References 29
Appendix. 31
Ihekoronye and Ngodoy (1985) define milk as a section of mammary gland all female animals. It is as exceptionally good source of protein which is of cugli biological value in promoting the growth of children. Furthermore, Fox and Caeron (1980), describe milk as a food of outstanding interest, which is design by nature to be completed food for every mammal. The major constituent of average milk are carbohydrate, protein are fat. The carbohydrate is present as lactose, which is easily metabolized by many bacteria fungi and yeast. The protein is present mainly as casein in form of albumin and globulin.
Nearly all 94% of the nitrogenous maternal of milk is present in form of protein which most bacteria readily convert to a wide range of ammonic acid. The buffering capacity of the complete protein give milk a degree of stability in its PH which permits greater growth of the bacteria before the acidity level exerts a selective effect on the specie present. The fat in the form of stable emulsion complex phospholcpids, the leathins are important in that their partial metabolism by bacteria give rise to a strong odour (Alan, 1977). Freah milk contains bout 87% of water which is dispersed into two separate collidal systems, milk is probably capable of giving more different end products than any other single food stuff.
According to Ihekewnye and Ngoddy (1985) the composition of the raw milk is as follows:-
Fat 3.9%
Protein 3.4%
Lactose 4.8%
Ash 0.72%
Water 87.10%
Milk is an excellent culture medium for many kids of microorganisms particularly bacteria. One of the primary factor in its sultabuety is the high water content. Although most bacteria are said to grow beat at PH of (7.2), normal milk average (PH 6.7) is not sufficiently acidic to inhibit many bacteria species (Alans, 1977). Minerals which are necessary for microbial growth such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium and iron are present. The vitamins of B group (thiamin, riboflavin, nicotinic and patothemic acid) are needed by some pathogenic bacteria particularly the lactobacilli and these are all found in milk. (Frazier and Weathoff, 1978).
Ihekownye and Ngoddy (1985) also went ahead to explain that milk contain a wide variety of constituent and contains most of t he food factors associated with bacteria nutrition. Milk as a single food is of high nutntunal value and is associated with pathogence bacteria that causes spoilage. At the time milk leaves the udder of the healthy cow, it contains few bacteria, these stem from milk ducts and cistem. During the milking process, bacteria are usually added form various sources. In hand milking, the sources are air, the gari of the animal, manure, the milk, equipment such as: pails, flies, geed and many others. When milking is performed by machine, most of these environment factors are less important. However, the milking equipment many serve as an important source of contamination if it is not carefully cleaned and sanitized. Among the contaminants which care from the intertinal organs of the cow are salmonellae and the feacal streptococci (Enterococci). Staphylococci may be contributed from udder, skin and respiratory tract. Pathogens known to have come from the handler include many form among these are Staphylococcus aureus and various intertinal pathogens of man including representatives of salmonella. The pathogens originating from flies and barn dust are varied.
After the milk has been drawn, it is rapioloy cooled to 45% to prevent contaminants from multiplying. To eliminate pathogenic bacteria from milk, the process of pasteurization is applied. This involve application of heat below the boiling point.
The study is to
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