ABSTRACT: This work is aimed at determining the incidence of bacterial injections such as Salmonella and Escherichia coli which cause health hazards to the poultry in their feeds. Sample feed were obtained from commercial mash operation/ pellet mill operation at new heaven and top feed at Ogbete main market Enugu. The samples were screened for total aerobic bacteria count, total coliform count and the characterization of the bacteria isolates carried out while indole test and citrate test were used to confirm the presence of Escherichia coli. The confirmation of salmonella isolates on Mac conkey agar was also done.
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Statement of problem
1.2 Aims and objectives of the study
1.3 Limitation of study
1.4 Hypotheses
2.0 Literature review
2.1 Nutritional value
2.2 Economic importance
2.3 Disease cause by microorganisms
2.4 Livestock (poultry) feeds manufacturer
2.5 Nutrient /feed requirements
2.6 Nutritive values of eggs
2.7 Standard of feed quality
3.0 Materials and method
3.1 Sample collection
3.1.1 Microbiological analysis
3.2 Characterization of bacateria
3.2.1 Gram’s staining reaction
3.2.2 Indole test
4.0 Result
4.1 Total aerobic bacterial count
4.2 Coliform bacterial count
4.3 Characterization of coliform isolates
6.0 Appendixes
Table ii: Coliform bacterial counts 56
Table iii Biochemical characteristics of
Isolates (Escherichia coli) 57
Table iv: Biochemical characteristics of
isolates (Salmonella) 58
constituents of the raw materials used 23
Figure II: Flow chart of poultry feed 24
Figure III: Energy, protein and Amino acid
requirement of chicken 27
Figure iv: March Ingredient 36
The term poultry used in agriculture generally refers to all domesticated birds kepts for egg or meat production. These includes chickens (domestic fowls), Grallus domestics, turkeys, ducks and geese. This project will deal largely with the chicken which are the most common domestic fowl. The species of poultry are aptable or can survive in different environments therefore, they are widely distributed in the world, with great increase in population, the demand for goods especially protein food become acute. To meet the demand for animal protein and its development, rapid multiplying ones becomes very necessary. Poultry has so many advantages over other domesticated animal whose production is very much hindered by lack of money, high temperature, disease and lack of good at certain periods of the year.
The diseases of poultry is like the disease of other animals may be caused by: a. pathogenic organisms like bacteria and viruses, protozoa, worms and some members of arthropods
The following diseases are usually associated with the fowls locally
The incidence of salmonella and Escherida coli simply means the extent to which the enteric organisms (Escherichia coli) that are part of the normal flora and incidentally causes disease and pathogenic organism (salmonella) affect the poultry feeds. Hill, D.H; and Da
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