The research work was carried out to investigate the effect of advertising on the sale of tobacco products in the state (case study of st moritz cigerate).
The question that pervades most people minds everyday remained the same. Can consumer buy a product merely for its d advertisement clam that its relative needs? If so how? Consequently, the problem was identified not to be whether advertising it self can arouse interest or force one to purpose a product be may not have purchased.
Both primary and secondary data were used for the study. The secondary data came from review of documented materials. The primary data were obtained with the help of questionnaires.
Questionnaire s designed and administered to the sellers consumers of st moritz in question.
Three hypothesis were formulated and statistically tasted for acceptance and rejection.
The finding of the study show that, though advertising can raise interest and urge, but it cannot face a consumer to purchase against his wish.
In Enugu, there are business firms that are managed on advertisement on the sale of tobacco products, the business involved in this categories include, local consumable as cigerates like st mortiz, benso, donshester, reothmartis and other relivant business here include branvy items.
The terrible state of inadequately of these products has been attributed of unequal and efficient management of the advertising on the sale of tobacco product in Enugu state these constraints have frustrated those in the sector that fear of source, growth and diviersification are entertained. Despite the ugly situation all hopes are not lost for the effects of advertisement on the sale of tobacco product in Enugu state.
According to Edoga (1997)Advertisement reflects at public customers and is a vital part of infrastructural facilities such as good road, part of infrastructural facilities such as good road, telecommunication products.
1. lack of infrastructural facilities such as good road, telecommunication products.
2. inadequate funding
3. scarcity of technical man - power.
4. ignorance of avoidable incentives provided by government and other agencies.
5. lack of well equipped maintenance workshops.
6. High cost of effects of the advertisement on the sale of tobacco products in enugu state.
It can be convincingly shown that effects of advertisement on the sale of tobacco product in enugu hence hope of chances of serving and performing even much better in the face of effects of advertisement.
The advantages of tobacco products.
1. creating on awareness about avertable incentive provided by the government to those in the business.
2. Rehabilitation of vital and basic infrastructural facilities like roads and electric power supply.
3. Availability of market for manufactured goods.
4. government assistance in providing raw materials for the investors.
5. government assistance in providing capital for in pending investors.
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