ABSTRACT: The aim of the study is to find out the extent of Bank/Customer relationship bearing in mind the poor quality of services rendered in banks. Traders to achieve a good and accurate result the researcher split the work in five distinct chapters, each with different objectives. To guide the study, four questions were formulated. A review of literature was done to expose the researcher to what was already been done to ensure sound understanding of bank/customer relationship in a developing economy. One structured questionnaire was developed and administered to 100 bank staff management indusive and 50 customers making a total of 150 questionnaires. 25 item questionnaire was used and the data covered were analyzed using percentage findings were and recommendation based on it were also made. Also discussion, implication of the result, limitation of the study and the conclusion were highlighted in the study.
The aim of this study is to find out the extent of Bank/Customer relationship in Nigeria as a Developing Economy (A case study of Union Bank Okpara Avenue Enugu)
This work will be divided into five chapters. The first chapter is going to be the introductory part of the research work. This chapter will contain the background of the study, statement of problems, research Question etc.
Chapter two will contain the literature review. This means other recognized authors view or ideas on the same subject matter.
Chapter three will take care of the research methodology and method of data collection and analysis.
The presentation and analysis of data will be dealth with in chapter four of the study
Simple random and stratified sampling is going to be used to draw the sample size of the study. Two hypotheses will be set for the study. Questionnaires and oral interview have to use as the main instrument of data collection.
Based on the findings, and conclusion will drawn and recommendations will also be made in the last chapter of the work which is the fifth chapter.
References 14
References 42
3.1 Research methodology 43
3.2 Research Design 43
3.3 Area of study 43
3.4 Population of study 44
3.5 Instrument for data collection 47
3.6 Validity and reliability of the instrument 50
3.7 Method of data collection 51
3.8 Method of data analysis 51
3.9 Research Question 52
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