Background of the study
Statement of the problem
Objective of the problem
Significance of study
Slope, limitation and delimitation
Definition of the terms
Definition of leadership
Qualities of good leadership
Types of leaders/ leadership styles
Definition of management accounting
Summary of findings
It is not only in Nigerian economy that is in distress, most companies are also in distress and their managing directors are equally in distress. Some of the managing directors are now languishing in either prison or police custody as a result of their contributory roles to their companies predicament.
Most distressed companies are financial houses like banks, investment and insurance companies. But a lot of other non-financial companies are also in distress even though not currently declared as such.
The accountants way of determining whether a company is in distress or not is through examination of when last it paid dividend, it’s earning per share and price earning ratio, among others.
All companies on the stock market official list that have zero dividend, zero earning per share and zero price earning ratio are inherently in distress one way or the other.
If these conditions persist, their audited financial reports and accounts are likely to be qualified by their external auditions.
Distress may be caused by a number of reasons:
Many industries and corporate firms today depends largely on teenage workers. The majority of employees in some companies like manufacturing industries, Banks, marketing firms, recreation available and etc. are teenagers. They are to and cheap, but they are also very difficult to manage and leading them effectively presented a tremendous challenge to the present day corporate leaders.
Consequently, employment experts have identified the following statement of problems associated within the challenges we are having in management accounting and leadership:
Provide those external stimuli that incites their subordinates to action.
The general purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between managing accountant and leadership in decision making processes and also their dependence or independence.
As it may be, my objective in this research work will be narrowed down to the following:
This research is greatly concerned with relevance of this study to the entire society and more especially to the management accounting.
The study was undertaking to find out how leadership stands as an effective instrument for effective management accounting and leadership for higher productivity in corporate firm. And to what can done to see to the effectiveness and efficiency of leadership function and skills.
I have the utmost belief that if the findings in these work will be followed, it will afford the managers, corporate organization and government and general public the opportunity of making good decisions.
However, it was my idea to carry out this research study with as many indigenous companies as possible but due to time and money aspect of it, which made it impossible to cover these large areas.
‘kennylink associates Ltd” was chosen to act as a representative of other companies in Nigeria due to it’s scope of operation, size of the organization, the staff strength, method of operation and the fact that management accounting and leadership is practiced there. It is my belief, the researcher, that information obtained from the company will have much influence to other companies in the counting though there might be a slight difference.
The limitations of this study are mostly the financial costs involved in caring out this research and time necessary for the completion of this work as ”I the researcher is busy with other class work and assignments.
Time given is too short. Again as the company is being located in Surulere in Lagos, as to make this work a standard, I have to make repeated trigs to Lagos.
Due to the limitations of time, finance and other reasons, I deliberately excluded from the study of some interviews, observations & some procedures used by the company in production department.
Decision-making can be defined as making choices between future, uncertain alternatives this emphasizes that decision making relates to the future and make choice between alternatives in pursuit of an objectively).
Material price Variance: this is the difference between the standard price and the price paid for the actual quantity purchased. That is actual price standard price, multiplied by actual quantity.
Material usage variance: the material usage variance is the difference between the standard usage and the actual usage of materials for the volume of output.
Labour rate variance: it is the difference between the standard rate of pay and the rate paid for the actual hour worked.
Labour efficiency variance: it is the difference between the actual standard hour allowed and the actual hours worked for the volume of output achieved.
Variance overhead expenditure variance: this is a comparison of the amount of money actually spent during the period and the standard recovery rate.
Variance overhead efficiency variance: this is comparison of the standard hours of production achieved during the period with the actual number of operating hours worked in the period.
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