This research is aimed at examining the presence of helminthes in stool using different techniques. One hundred and forty three samples were collected and three different techniques were applied in the stool examination, namely, Direct Microscopic examination technique, formol either concentration technique. At the end of the analysis. At the end of the analysis, it was found that there was a significant different in the number of eggs found, when figures were obtained with the three different techniques. Direct microscopic examination technique detected the ora of parasites and mobile flagellates, ciliates and Ascaris Lum bricoides. The formol either concentration technique detected mobile protozoa such as Entamoeba histolytica, amoeba and Giardia Lambila while the brine floatation technique is most preferred because it detected both the ora and mobile helminth while formol either concentration technique and brine floatation technique detected only oral of hookworm
2.1 historical review 6
2.2 Helminthes Life Cycle 8
2.3 Epidemiology of Helminthes 13
2.4 Clinical Diagnosis of Helminthes 16
2.5 Laboratory Examination of Helminthes 21
2.6 Transmission Dynamics In Helminthes 26
2.7 Transmission Dynamics In Helminthes 28
of some of the materials use in diagnostic
techniques of stool samples 29
3.1 materials 31
3.2 Methods 31
3.3 Collection of Samples 34
4.1 results 35
Conclusion and recommendation 70
Reference 72
Helminthiasis is a disease condition resulting from helminth infections, Helminth are living organisms that depend on other organisms for their survival and at the same time destroying their host. Ascaris Lumbricoides, Schistosoma Mansoni, Hymenolepsis nana, Loa Loa, Onchocera examples of helminth. Some helminth infections are numbered among the major diseases of mankind. Schistosomiasis, caused by the genus Schistosoma which inhabit blood vessels is a most important cause of morbidity. The complex disease called filariasis, caused by highly pathogenic filarial nemabodes of man such as Wucharia Bancrofbii, Loa Loa, Brugiu Malayi and Ochocera Voluulus are similarly widespread (Dauves, 1994).
Although the rector transmitted filarial nematodes provoke the most dramatic forms of pathotogy such as elephantiasis and river blindness, a wide cycle can also be harmful, especially when present as multiple species infections in poorly nourished patients. Ascariasis is caused by Ascaris Lumbriocoides. Within the helminth, many life cycle modes are utilized and some such as Strongyloides Sterocorals and Hymenolepsis nana use more than one mode of life cycle (Dawes, 1994).
Three techniques were applied in stool examination namely: Direct microscopic examination technique, formed either concentration technique and brine floatation technique. Direct microscope examination is used to detect the ora of helimith and motile flagellates, ciliates and ora of Ascaris Lumbricoides. Formol ether concentration technique is used for the concentration of helminth in feaces, especially the eggs of helminth and cysts of protozoa while the brine floatation technique is suitable for the detection of eggs with low specific gravity such as those of look worm but not for the eggs of Ascaris Lumbricoides (Lee Sbrough 1987)
This research is aimed at examining the presence of helminth in stool using different techniques. The objectives include:
1. To determine the effective, accurate time saving and safe technique of examining helminth in stool sample.
2. To determine the most prevalent type of helminth present among people of Enugu East Local Government Area.
The problem of diagnosing helminth and helminth infections is a serious issue that needed to be taken care of and treated effectively, because helminth can cause diseases such as appendicitis, anaemia, vomiting, lenucocytosis, abdominal pain, dysentery, diarrhoea, obstruction of bile duct and pancreatic duct, loss of appetite, weight loss, haecmorrhage (which is caused as a result of heart – hung migration of the larva of helminth) and Oedema (caused as a result of reduction of proteins).
H0: There is different in the efficacy in direct microscopic examination technique, formol ether concentration technique and brine floatation technique for the examination of helminth.
Hi: The formol ether concentration technique and the brine floatation technique are more sensitive than the direct microscopic examination technique.
The research work is aimed at educating people on the safest and quickest method of detecting helminth in stood samples. Furthermore, it is also to create an avenue for people to known the danger of eating unlocked pork or half cooked meats, fish, crabs, vegetables and drinking water infected with cyst of helminth. It is also to enlighten people that walking barefooted on feacally contamination soil can lead to penetration of hookworm into their skin.
1 The refused of some people to donate their stood for the practical work as some were thinking the sample will not only end on the examination of helminth in their stood but to test for cholera and other pathogenic infections.
2. Since formation kill living organisms by shrinking the cells, movement of helminth is not observed in the wet preparation of the formol ether concentration technique.
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