The work presents a design of a computerized personnel auditing system for a local government administration. A computerized personnel auditing system for a local government administration is concerned with the computerization of personnel records appraisal of personnel on order to achieve the aims and objectives of the organization. This accounts, when and who to promote and retirement in due time.
The entrance of computer into the auditing system for a local government administration will help create and maintain efficient records. This will also help to fish out “ghost workers”
The design was implemented to facilitate the personnel auditing system for a local government administration. It will be less time wasting and cheap to run.
It is expected that if full consent is given to this, it will enhance the auditing of personnel cord for the local government administration.
In developed world the twentieth century men lives surrounded by a bewildering variety of machines on which his way of life itself depends. The machines can be simple or complex, minute or enormous. Some like sewing machines are for specific application which other like an electric drill can be used for variety of purposes. Some machine through designed for specific purpose are component in many different machines.
Another fundamental aspect of twentieth century life is the vast amount and variety of information surrounding man. The computer is perhaps our most useful modern-day tool yet development. It was only in 1951 that the first commercial available computer was market. Today we are using computer ever increasing numbers is a way never imagined just a few years ago. Computers is now an integral part of information needs of many societies. They are used world- wide to solve a variety of information, financial health, tax credit insurance and so forth. The modern society has virtually embraced the use of computer in all facts of commerce and industry. A computer is an automatic device that performs calculation, solve problem and also is capable of storing information. It has four basic parts input unit storage unit central processing unit, output unit. Though series of application will lead to accomplishment of a specific task. Computer is capable of manipulating a large value of data accurately and at an incredibly speed.
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