In account form analysis, a lot of discrepancies causes by manual aspect of the form such as: lost of form, inability to correct intakes, poor storage facilities have been a problem in the May fresh savings and loan limited account form. But in recent times, the computer has come to the aid of our banks, May fresh in particular.
The introduction of computer into the banking operation has to a great extent affected the mode of operation of banks in diverse ways. Computer has touched almost every application area in Banking such as: Savings account, current accounts, bank expenditure, fixed deposit, staff salary, incomes to the banks etc.
This work studies also t he procedure involved in taking proper account of information appraisal in the banks i.e being able to record customers’ information such as; Name, Address/Business, Address, Occupation, Age, Sex, Next of Kins, Address of kin, Signature, Date, Initial deposit, Passport etc. The design and implementation of window based from desk information system is to enhance the mode of operation or rather to keep proper storage of the information’s supplied by the new customers of the bank. With the computerized form of it, no much stress in writing down the information supplied by the customer and stores it in a database such that whenever reference is required, you can easily retrieve the particular information and make necessary use of it. The computerized software is very comprehensive and reliable if implemented.
Bank customers deposit money in the bank in form of saving, current and fixed deposit account.
In this type of bank account, banks allow an individual to open an account with little amount of money ranging from N1000.00 upwards. Savings accounts are used and issued with banks passbooks when all record concerning the deposits and withdrawals made by the customer will be stated. Only individual owners are permitted to withdraw money from this account. The banks pay interest for any balance left in this account. Withdrawing can be made without prior notice.
This type of bank account can be opened if a customer wishes to make payment by means of cheque. The holders are issued with cheque book which they use in withdrawing money from their accounts. The cheque is also used when a debtor wants to order the bank to pay his credit or on his behalf. The customer is also issued with the paying in slip to enable him deposit money in his account.
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