The purpose of the study is to identify the staff motivation as effective instrument in enhancing productivity in a business organization (A case study of NITEL Limited Enugu). Data was collected by means of questionnaires administered to the three hundred and eight respondents of NITEL Limited Enugu with a sample size of seventy five (75) workers. Other sources of was collected from NITEL journals and newsletters. Date was analyzes using percentage presentation and tabular tables. Major findings were as follows: All the organization under study has effective staff development. The motivation of staff and incentives allowed were base on organization goals achieved. Lack of staff motivation and development policy could cause an irreparable loss to the organization that ignores it. The two findings above according to them encourage staff to work harder so as to enjoy higher upgrading of salary and allowance including bonuses. Effective staff motivation policy creates stability of workers. Based on these findings the following recommendations were made. All categories of workers should have chances of development as that they will be allowed and concentrated on between level. Motivation of staff should be encouraged so that the talented should not divert to other communication industries.
There was no such word as motivation before 1330, although the practice of incentive and leadership praise flourished in the temple of phad as early as 2000BC. Chanalya in his Arthashasta written in about 300BC mentioned about the existence of motivation whop reserved courage by the phad’s kingdom to bring and spirit a work force at subordinate to a greater level and height.
It is of Germanic origin through some people trace its organization to the French word “Incenticia” and Italian word “Carrito” it referred to a bench for incentive and motivating workers in organization. The first place were motivation took effect was in Scotland in the year 1342.
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