This research is based on the evaluation of working capital for the successful management of Hamdala Hotel. The research begin with the introduction which contains the background statement of the problems, objective, significance, scope limitation of the study and definitional of terms. Chapter two the research take a critical look at literature review of the entire working capital management, all these are well defined and explained in the chapter, chapter three of the research work explained the research methodology used in collection of data. In chapter four, the researcher analyzed and interpreted the data collected from the table based on the questionnaire distributed finally, chapter five comprises of the summary, conclusion and recommendations.
A firm usually evaluates its working capital management whether small or medium. The sole motive of every business is to make profit.
Many organization can be seen to have bee forced out of business simply because of inadequate or excessive management of working capital.
This could be as a result of overtrading, under trading, lack of a careful appraisal of the procedure of organization of business and probably due to future to review the effectiveness or other wise of existing system of control.
In this chapter, the concept and general principle of working capital in relation to choosing organization of study, there is no company required, but it is an obvious fact that its current assets are insufficient to meet current liabilities, that is there is no working capital. The organization will be unable to satisfy the requirement of its customers and will not be in a position to settle its debts as they arias and will be at the mercy of creditors who might enforce its liquidity.
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