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In the olden days, it was a well-known facts, that a rich and wealth man is known by the number of children and yam barns he had. (Greater in number) but recently, the reverse is the case, in that a rich and wealth man is known as a man with lesser number of children who he takes greater care of. The mass media had played a contributory role recently to educate parents in particular and the public in general of family planning programmes. This work however, is on how the mass medial family planning programmes have reached the target audience the moreover, how they feel about it. The research work has gone to prove that the family planning programmes as show on the screen or listed to by the audience had in one way or the other changed the attitude of some families positively towards child spacing.



INTRODUCTION                                                                1

  1. Background                                                                            1

1.2       Brief history of family planning                                             2

1.3       Statement of problem                                                 7

  1. Purpose of the study                                                   8
  2. Significance of the study                                                        8
  3. Scope of the study                                                                  9
  4. Research questions                                                                  10

1.8A    Hypothesis                                                                              10

1.8B    Assumption                                                                             11

1.9       Definition of terms                                                                 11

  1. Operational and theoretical framework                      12



SOURCES                                                                                          14

  1. Rules of the media and programme strategies            20
  2. Summary of literature review                                     25



METHODOLOGY                                                               27

  1. Research design                                                                      27
  2. Research sample                                                                      27
  3. Measuring instrument                                                 28
  4. Data collection                                                                        29



  1. Analyses and resume                                                  30
  2. Hypotheses test                                                                       33
  3. Results                                                                                    36
  4. Discussion




  1. Summary                                                                                 38
  2. Recommendation for future study                             40

BILIOGRAPHY                                                                               42

APPENDIX                                                                           44

QUESTIONNAIRE                                                              46






Family planning as a concept of world social order is as old as man.

It could be said to be a means of population control other then by disease, war, or other natural and man made disasters.

The term “family panning” was only applied to this ageless phenomenon when the social effects of abandoned babies, clue to illegal abortion and problem of outsize poor families began to seriously bother the mind of sociologists, health workers and governments.

Family planning has received media coverage around the world since it’s inception in 1916. Initially people reacted against it, due to misconception and ignorance of aim and values of family planning, but as the issue develop, it clear the people’s eyes and their perception more enlightened.

Internationally, the United Nation (UN) through an agency, the world health organization (WHO) has championed the publicity campaign for the introduction and the development modification and sometimes outright discontinuation of some aspect to the family planning qualified media coverage and manifested the importance of population in planning for world demographic and Economics distribution.



The origin of family planning can bee traced to the concern shown by two sisters Margaret sanger (1966-1976) married and her sister Ethel, on the tremendous loss of lives usually involving schools gulls and woman during childbirth.

Sanger who was trained as a nurse carried out a very courageous crusade against the legal system in the united state of American in the early part of the country to get abortion legalized. She was known to have developed the phrase “Birth control” to and have set up clinics in 1916.

Another, woman, Marie Stapes, followed Margaret’s steps seven years later by setting up a “Birth control” clinics in London in 1923. It was not until 1952, that family planning made it’s first imprint on the international scene in the year, an international conference of family planning was held in Bombry on November 29th, This was the birth of the international planning parenthood federation (IPDF) under the joint chairmanship of Margaret Sanger and Lady Ranca Rau.


Meanwhile, the acceptance of family planning as a practice has show at the first time.

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