The purpose of this research (project) was to find out the impact of the media on cultural imperialism in the modern society using Enugu metropolis as a case study. The study is set out to investigate the influence of the media towards revolutionizing our culture thereby bringing up a better and comfortable society. Data collected from the questionnaire were used in tabulation of results and also used in testing the hypothesis formulated for the study. The result of the hypothesize showed that the respondents believe that the media is he only channel of communication. It thus became an instrument for renovating eh society since it can reach the public at their various destination. Farther more, the results showed that a greater percentage of the respondents defined that the media has brought change in all shares of life. They believe that life will be meaningless without the aid of the media.
4.0 Data analysis and result presentation
Communication was traced back to the early days when people devices a means of communicating through pictographic. This process made it easy to communicate through pictures, drawing which they design on the cave walls and keep. It was known as written communication
Around 2000-3000 Bc, the drawing and matching developed to alphabets marking the beginning the recorded history (Bitterm 1999). In 3,500 Bc, the Sumerians device a pictographic writing known as uniform while Egyptians called their hydrographic
Compunction came from the Latin word: communis and communicara and means sharing meeting of minds etc, that means communication is a process which allows messages to flow both ways and results to sharing of the experience. According to “Frank E.K Danica in his article concept of communication.
“to communicate means to share das
information, opinion, feeling and experience
between people”.
Wilbur Schramm pointed out that when people communicate, they are trying to establish a “commonness” with one another .it takes place through a variety of channels called mass media.
Mass media are channels of communication through which people communicate or through which information s disseminated to reach the wide audience .it is classified into “print and electronic media. The print media are books, newspapers, magazine, periodical’s, journals, newsletter or hours organ whose basis is the printed word.
I 1450, Johan Gutenberg of Mainz Germany, invented metal immovable tyre. There was a break through in technology, giving way for art printing in WEuropean age when the Guttrnberg bible was printed followed by newspaper which fist appear n China in AD 500. In Europe ,it came in existence to satisfy the commercial classes who has no interest in books. It circulated among the employees as hand written newsletters.
The first daily newspaper which appeared in England was “Daily Courant” from their it yet to Niagara in Abeokuta through am Aglica revered, Henry Townsend in1850. The name of the newspaper was a “IWE IROHIN FUN AEWON ARA AGBA ATI YOURBA. This means newspaper for the Egbes and the Yourbas.
The electronic media rely on electric impulses to get their messages to the audience. They are radio, television, telex, cinema and a cable message. In 19th century the principle of “motion pictures was discovered. The 1824 discovery precludes that human eye retains an image for a fraction of a second longer than the picture actually appears. In 20th century, the motion picture, that is the ability to capture moving visual images with the camera through the use of films. Bittner 1989, discovered that electro-magnetic impulses can be sent through without the wire carrying voice transmission over long distance and is known as Radio. Television was traced through ICONOSCOPE, which come into existence in 1923. It used electronics to detect and transmit pictures and it’s Invention transformed television to an electronic medium which before depended on mechanical production of visual images.
Radio is a means of formalism education, culture and entertainment. Most African countries are conglomerates of units of divergent cultures, religion, injustice and socio-political enslavep to wield these multi-ethnic units together and create a sense of nationness the election is the best instrument because of its ability to for stall the illiteracy and language barrier. It was the initiation of though colonialists to link the colonial territories with Britain so that radio would serve as propaganda machinery. It was also a tool for disseminating their allies cultural norms, values and philosophies to the colonies.
In Nigeria, radio reception dares back to the early started as wireless bells mentoring and relaying programme for the British broadcasting corporation (BBC) for the interest of her colonial servant in the colonies. by 1951, the Nigeria broadcasting service (NBS) was formally inaugurated as a rely station working closely with BBC. While the first television station was established in 1959 in Western region.
In the cause of appraising the effect of the media on cultural imperialism in modern society, culture is said to be the state of being cultivated, refinement, the result of cultivation and the type of civilization is is a term used by social scientist and humanistic scholars that also have wide popular currency. Non technical meaning of the term centered around the concept of an educated, sophisticated person as a” cultural” individual: that is a man who has culture and political and who is familiar with the finer things produced in colonized life. Ruth Benedict 1930, discussed culture as a pattern of thinking and doing that runs through activities of a people and distinguishes than from to the people.
In later years, culture became a term used to discribe the distinctive human mode of adapting to the environment molding nature to conform to man’s desire and goals. According to Sir Edward Tylor (1871:16).
Culture is that complex whole which
any nay other capability and habits acquired by man as a member of the society.
This definition can be explained more lucidly as everything which is socially learned, as herds by members of the society and transmitted from one generation to another. It I socially created and as well a social heritage through interaction may modify the culture which then became part of the heritage of the succeeding generations. It is pertinent to note that the is no society without culture.
Yet there is need to examine imperialism in relation to culture. The word ‘imperialism as defined by Encyclopedia is the government of one people by other people. The governing country is called mother of the metropolitan country or countries that make up the empire of the mother country.
In this research work we would consider how the media was able to play on major role to inculcate foreign ways of life in our society using Enugu metropolises as a case study.
That project is designed to identify the media function in the Nigeria society trace its history and contributions to the development of the society.
It is also meant to identify the extent of media involvement in grassroots development of smaller social groups (tertiary institutions) in he Nigeria context. In realization of the grass root development of the culture in our modern society it is of adequate importance to note and expose such social institution and its activities through the news media organ.
The independence of culture and communication is very pronounced particularly if eh term “culture” is used to mean if eh entire achievement of human creativity. All that man has added to nature and their relevance of human like and ways founder standing.
To this end, communication both between individual and nations are major component of al ways of life and thus of every culture. The role communication may be regard as that of major carrier of culture.
The media of communication are thus cultural instrument which serve to promote or influence attitude to motivate to foster the spread of behavoural patterns and to bring about social integrations”.
In a heterogeneous and fractions society such as Nigeria imperialism of culture abounds, hence some foreign cultures embodied in our society has brought refinement and intellectual development to modern society. Under this situation, all contends of the act of rebuilding the society are geared towards supporting certain values belief and practice of our colonial masters.
In addition, this study will contribute to the activities of the media in propagating new way of life in our present society using a particular social set- up (Holy- Ghost church Enugu), for sampling
This research work is focused on how the media have played a vital role in brining up a modern society. A society which has lost belief in its capacity to progress in the future will quickly cease to concern itself with the progress, O’ retrogress in the past Nigeria can acquire certain knowledge for technical innovation or invention though learning.
However, it is important to study the way some of our cultures were been replaced by colonial matters thereby, enabling development in every aspect of human endeavour. There is need to consider the benefits derived from this innovation and consequence of embracing this new way if life in our social institution will modify the existing cultural behaviour in our society.
There is need to consider the research question arising from this research work to enable us arrive at a solution to our problem.
Hi: Media helps in cultural transformation and intellectual development in the society.
Ho: Media do not helps in cultural transformation and intellectual development in the society.
H2: mass media is important in al ramification
Ho: mass media is not important in al ramification
H3: without mass media in the society life will not be easy and with living
Ho: without mass media in the society life will be easy and with living
H4: modern culture has played a vital role in our society
Ho: modern culture has not played a vital role in our society
The media: It is a channel through which information is disseminating to reach the wider audience.
Disseminated: This means to distribute or spread widely ideas, doctrines etc.
Culture: It is advances development of human powers, development of he body, mind, spirit by training and experiences. It is evidence of intellectual development of art and science), in human society.
Imperialism: It is the policy of extending a country empire and influences development.
Development: This is the process of growing larger, fuller or more mature and organized
Invention: This is the creation of something new, which was not previously in existence eg motorcars, aroplane television etc.
Diffusion: This is the spread of cultural traits from our group to another as a result of interaction for example, Christianity and technology.
The fact that the media has helped to improve development cannot be overemphasized. The effect of media in propagating culture has brought a typical change in our society. However, the media can seen as the only medium through which the society could be reformed. Diffusion and modified the society making it a better place to his. As the media had helped to convey such information like espousing us to the world of fashion, technology, industrialization, economic etc. we need to accept this injection that the foreign culture has helped our society to progress.
Although this study has accomplished the purpose with which it was set to achieve one of the very limitation is that the validity of the result or findings is dependent on the honesty if the respondents in providing the needed information.
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