The objective of the study is to ascertain and find out the role which the media would facilitate rural development it examines the role of the media which includes Radio television, Newspaper and Magazines in the development of Nachi town in Enugu state
Chapter one in the study covers the introduction, the background, statement of problems the objectives of the study, scope of stuffy, research questions and significance of study, research hypothesis, conceptual and operational definition, assumption and limitations.
Chapter two treated the literature review.
Chapter three contains the methodology and research design area of study, population of data collection, validating of the research instrument and method of administration of research instrument and method of data analysis. three different research methods were used sample survey participant observation and interviews.
In chapter four, I presented the data and its results and summary of results findings. I now find out that information about community development in Nachi flow from Opinion leaders to the people.
Chapter five of the paper covers the discussion, conclusion, implementation, recommendations, suggestion for further research.
Lastly are the references and appendices
The term “the media” comprised print and electronic media. The print consists of magazines, newspaper, journals, periodicals, house organs or bulletins etc. while the electronic media consists of radio television, camera, telex, cable and films etc
The media plays an enviable role towards the development of any given society. This dates back to colonial days to inform entertain and educate the citizenry.
However, this study dwells I\on the role of the mass media as a tool for rural development in Nachi with a particular references to Okpeze.
Nachi covers an area of about 40km with a population figures of about 30,000 according to1991 census figure. The community cultivates some farm products like cassava, maize, plantain and yam. The present infrastrural facilities in the town include electricity, pipe borne water tarred roads, school etc.
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