This survey seeks to examine the influex of foreign opinions into our society via cable television, the imperialistic implications or cultural invasion arising there from.
The topic: cable television and cultural imperialism a study of viewership pattern in Port Harcourt is the therefore aimed at drawing the attention of National Broadcasting commission NBC among others to ensure compliance of 40% local programme content by cable forms and broadcast media.
This may chocksPeres of cultural invasion as contained in Decree 38 of 1992 which governs establishment of NBC.
The research used a survey method and divided Port Harcourt into zones and they are.
Cable television and culture as well as imperialism mean marry things to different people.
However, this research project may be likened to what the watch tower magazine of April 15, 1988 call “when children have children” while writing on teenage pregnancy.
What this means by implication is that among the traditional press system in which newspapers, books, magazines, television and radio belong, television is the youngest.
Despite its age, television has given birth to yet another broadcast VIRU-the cable television services.
Ordinarily, television has an added advantage over radio by combining sound (audio) with video (visuals) to give impact.
This gives birth to one since arithmetic statement which could be stated as: sound plus visuals equal IMPACT ie stv=1
Above all, broadcasting whether radio or television enyoys messges through electro-magnetic wave to a leferogneous audience and simultaneously (ie at the same time too)
Cable television itself carries an additional benefit in that it relays or transmits distant signals via communication satellite.
The signal are being down-linked by a microwave transmitter via dishes, basket net and cable to a receiver, in this case TV set.
The end-result being a quality distant signals or programmes requiring, as usual little or no LITERACY to assimilate its content. Consequently, because these quality signals are alien and designed and created according to the psychographic and demographics of a far away producing countries, the by-product has been devastating such that calls for a check.
It is at this point that cultural imperialism sets in. it is however pertinent to accentuate that from the cradle, it was not originally slated or invented as imperialistic medium.
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