This research work aims at finding out the role of electronic media on the crusade against religious intolerance. How electronic media mobilize and educate the religious intolerance and the best way to improve TV and radio station to help avoid religious intolerance in Nigeria.
This work has been divided into four chapters, chapter one deals with the introduction with background of the study, statement of problem, significance of the study and research questions, hypothesis, chapter two deals mainly with the review of literature while chapter three looked into the system in which data were collected. A detailed analysis and interpretation of data collected are dialed in chapter four. Percentage is the instrument used in the analysis and questionnaire distributed and collected.
Table were also analyzed finally come chapter five, the concluding chapter was devoted to findings, recommendation limitation of the study
Since primordial times. the major concern of man has been self preservation. He desire above all things security, that is a feeling of well being, contentment and being at peace with nature (Tukur 200). However, the elusive nature of these values made ,ore complex by the uncertainties of life has motivated man into a perpetual search for reassurance from the supernatural. This is the idea of religion and many religions have sprung up since man’s existence here on earth. However religious influenced by and influences the society in other words, like after aspect of human existence religious is born out of man’s interaction with his environmental (Nwokoro, 1998)
Like in all forums of interaction, sometime it smooth and progressive while at other times it could be turbulent, volatile and very destructive in religious principles and methods. It is however worthy of note that religious intolerance could only be explained when one understood the differences in the interpretation of the concept of religious and worship by the various religious seats/groups
According to the Islamic religious there is only one God who is called “Allah” (Eze, 2002). The life of muslem are governed by three authorities, the Quaran, the Haddith and the Sharia., the Quran is their holy book which they believed to have been revealed to Mohammed (The founder of Islamic religion) by the angel Gabriel the Haddith or Sunnah is the record of actions or saying of the prophet. The sharia (or canon law) which was based on the principles of the Quran, regulates a moslem sense (Abosed 1998).
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