This research work on the “Role of Public Relations in Ensuring Organizational Success and Survival: (A Case study of Institute of Management and Technology (I.M.T) Enugu. Was carried out for a dual purpose. Firstly to satisfy the requirement for the award of Higher National diploma in Marketing, and also identify and offer solution to poor public relation or lack of it in the quest to achieve its corporate objectives.
The main objective and aims of the study is to identify the need for corporate image building and goodwill creation in the institute for sustainable growth and development. And also to X-ray the place of public relations in mutual understanding for improved quality of educational services, and ascertainment of best circumstance under which academic excellence can strive.
To attain the objective, a reasonable proportion of students and staff were chosen as resource persons (respondent) using a random sampling technique to arrive at a realistic and unbiased result.
Nevertheless, the researcher used researcher questions in making this findings and from the data collected, the research question were answered and the research found that, though the institute of management and technology offers a high and standardized educational services, it is yet to embrace public relation philosophy, and appreciate the role of public relations in ensuring organizational success and survival.
Based on these findings, the researcher suggested for management a two- way communication based on truth, consultation and full information with its publics.
Hence, from the finding the researcher on the exact role of strategic public relations in the process of achieving corporate objective by the management
This research work is intended to provoke discussion, study interview, observation and opinion survey on the role and practice of public Relations as applied in the institute of management and Technology Enugu. The research will partly go in to academic theories, but will focus more on the symbiotic relations between the institute and its various public
Perhaps, every system is made up of component part and the malfunctioning of one part is bound to affect others parts directly on indirectly. And for the to survive, it requires a conducive atmosphere devoid for rancour and conflict, hence the need for all the stakeholders to contribute their quota for the nurturing of organizational success and survival becomes imperative.
Though these sets of public have varying goal and objective in most cases depending on their relationships with the management; still there is an area of common interest and this is the continued existence and survival of the organization. It therefore implies that management and public must not work at cross purposes.
The Roles and objectives, functions and interest of management and it’s public should be made complementary.
Nevertheless, it is generally accepted that management is charge with the responsibility of making decision, it is as well mandatory on management to communicate such decision to it’s public regularly -recognizing their partnership position. Otherwise it will be suicidal if management fails to appreciate, and ignore the welfare and interest of it’s public.
However, unlike other promotional tools, public relations and it’s component parts- publicity and press relation are concerned with the image and prestige of, or parts of the organization.
Therefore organization should deliberately plan and execute a continuos public relations programmes to develop a rap-port between its and the various public because the role of public relation cannot be over-emphasized as it has come hinder marketing objective not publicly
Made know at the on-set (Okafor: 1998,P283)
Therefore, since management and its publics are interdependent, their major roles pre-supposes a democratic relationship- whereby each stake holder is involved in decisions making process, a concept now referred to as “industrial democracy” or “consultations”. Where this is practice, all the stake holder become more loyal, committed to organizational goal and guides against disruption of activities which endear success and survival (Omole:199).
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