It has always taken a significant position in the academic circle that students should be mandated to carryout research in one academic discipline or the other. One of the purposes is to ascertain the level of exposition of the students in his chosen field of study. This is why is became expedient for me to undertake a study on the Role of television in dissemination of information in local government areas (A case stud of Saplele Local government area).
In the ours of the research I used a survey method which required a survey method which required a survey method which required a distribution of questionnaires and interview to the target population.
This research work has its major objectives as to evaluate The Role of television in dissemination of information in local government areas and to what extent television have succeeded in doing this.
Data collected, analyzed and presented in percentages
The following research question were answered.
Finally the researchers concluded from findings that the role of television is important and effective and means of influencing the people of Sapele local government.
For this reason the planners of television programmes should give more consideration to information which the people of Sapele receives and government should try as must as possible to provide significant medium that is television stations to syndicate messages to the peoples or citizens of Sapele, because of mass media is important tools which bring people close to government functionaries.
4.1 Data presentation and result
Mass media in the words of Hall (1981:215) is essentially a working group organized around some device (SIC) for circulating ther same message at about the same time to large numbers of people.”
Mass medium however is a singular concepts, the plural of which is mass. In the light of the above definition therefore the mass media are channels of mass communication used to disseminate news and information to very diverse cum large numbers of people simultaneously. Invariably “the epoch of the mass communication system, relatively large audience members could be quickly irrespective specific message irrespective of their diverse locations in the global , geo-political and cultural map” (Nwodu 2002:2) certainly these instrument if mass communication around in Nigeria in the forms of
Based on our study, we are taking closer look at television medium in disseminating local government information,.
The term television was coined from a Greek work tele- meaning “far off” and the Latin word vision meaning “ to see” put together the word television stands for sound and sight hence the popular reference to TV programme as standing for “show and tell. not until 1926 that the first practical demonstration television as we understand it took place.
Whereas the first television Africa was WNTV (Western Nigeria Television) in Ibadan which because operational in October 31, 1959. this brought (WNTV0 in local programming.
Hence the arrival of television as something which very home could have transformed the nation’s social life.
Local government is one of he sensitive organization that utilize communication to achieve their end. Local government is the “thire tier of government is close to the people” to achieve this noble objective, Local government must communicate with people and such communication needs to pass through a channel. How the public reacts or response to the communication or information received determines its effective \ness and the channel used for disseminating he information.
Sapele Local government area was crated on May 5, 1989 by the Babangida administration of 1985-1993. The area was caved out from Okpe Local government of the defunct Bedal state (new Edo and Delta state). The seat of the new Local government is Sapele. Majority of the people engage in family except at the headquarters where commerce is the main business. It consists of 96 autonomous communities, each having about seven villages with Okpe as the largely spoken dialect s part of the Okpe Kingdom, the indigenes pay allegiance to the Orodje babied at Oeokpe, Sapele being the headquarters, the seat of administration has to be sited here as depicted by the secretariat along the Yourba road. Here, decisions of government s they affect the people are taken as they communicated to the people through various channels. First, is interpersonal; channels in format occasions like project commissioning official visits and social gathering. Under this kind of circumstances information trickles down to cu channels.
Second is the mobile ness van which is programmes such as the expanded programme on immigration “(EPI) environmental sanitation as other social issues of interest to the people. However, contrary to the original plan setting up the Local government, it now restricts its services to its immediate environment within the Local government.
The third is the mass media made possible by the Sapele branch of he ministry of information and cult, Asaba. The information officer is the anchor man who spreads information in that of covering all news worthy events all alone and consequently furnish the media with his news and information.
His job becomes even more difficult as he sometimes traveling distances to furnish the media with such information, usually, the pointers copy is left in the office until the papers vehicle comes to collect the ness which gets published in about three days time during which is must have been stale.
Therefore with the above structure of news flow in mind it becomes necessary to examine how effective TV medium will be in the dissemination of information at the Local government level.
Ordinarily, a project such as this may not j\have arose half the Local government employed appropriate information medium as well as used proper distribution men’s. As the government goes to the people at the grassroots, officials and activities shoed reflect this closer infirmity.
Rather the people are more abreact with state and federal government programmes. Perhaps, the information organs in efficient or totally lacking in some local news because of the news distributing channels it could be that Local government have little or nothing to offer the people in terms of news delivery.
As could be l\gleaned from the above, it is possible that the channels of news distribution and dissemination have in intited reception understanding and response of mass media messages. Therefore not only has this important it has also made it evident and in imperative.
It is of paramount importance for government to keep the public informed of its activities, policies plans programmers and actions for the betterment of the people. Legislation have to be made known in order to elect much needed response .suffice it to say that however. good the intention of the government may be if t is misunderstood by the information medium or else poorly contracted, governments purpose may be defected and the publics view of the government’s sincerity may be in doubt
The objective of thus study therefore is to ascertain through seeking the views of the public on how efficient and effective TV medium is to the Local government activities as per reaching them (ie public). And also how they (public) respond to the information and knowledge they receive.
Moreso, to find out if there is any flow on the part of the medium and whether such flow if any, emerges on their perception, reception and response to information revived. most importantly, to offer appropriate suggestions if necessary,, that can make the medium a vibrant one in the business of gathering and disseminating Local government news.
The research will be found useful by all but mist beneficial to the following.
More often than not, a research hypothesis is the specification of acceptance and conditions for alternative course of actions. It is a way putting a research objective in to table terms. It is a way of putting a research objective into testable terms.on the other hand, resrach question are posed to find out the presence of and the presence of relationship between variables relevant to the problem
To elicit eh responses that will lead to valid conclusions of this research, the following questions were asked.
Hi: Television does much to arouse peoples interest in Sapele Local government more than any other medium
Ho: Television does not do much to arouse peoples interest in Sapele Local government more than any other medium
H2: The people of Sapele local government area accepts television information
Ho: The people of Sapele local government area accepts television as a reliable source of information
Ho: The people of Sapele local government area will not accepts television as a reliable source of information.
Conceptional definition:
Mass media : are channels of information dissemination like radio, television, newspaper, magazines etc
Operational definition: In this study of the mass media was focused on: TV medium
Political participation
Conceptual definition
Political participation means individual’s direct or indirect involvement in the process of governance and politico through seeking support or influenced the process of decision making
Operational definition
In this study, political participation means engaging in some or all of the following: offices, canvassing for support for candidates, discussing political matters, belonging to political parties and making financial contribution to such parties etc.
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