This project is design and construction of a sound detector with alarm system was done primarily to detector sound. It can be use in industrial and domestics. It employ four discreet stages with power supply which power the system.
The 1st block is pick up amplifier containing the microphone and the input which serve as a transformer which the function is to pick up the smallest sound that comes close to the amplifier. The second block is comparator with hysterias. The function as analogue to digital convector and also it help to accumulate amparm sound like sound of the gun short or any other heavy sound . Block three. This is transistor switching this stage consist three bipolar function transistor (BJI) with a decay circuit found using capacitor time constant (T – RC) with a 12v Re let, it output work function is to switch the alarm circuit.
Block four. This is the Alarm circuit, it’s function is the alarm tone. It is an stable mutivibertor that produce 1kH2 tone frequencies which sound as alarm signal with loud speaker which serves as an output transformer.
Due to advance electron logy in the electronic which gave rise to automation of electronic system in domestic and industrial use. This development is what gave me the courage to choose a project topic on sound detector with alarm system. This system employ four discreet stages with power supply namely, the pick up microphone, Amplifier, Schmih trigger, thysistor switch circuit with rally circuit and 1kHz turn generator which from the alarm circuit at the input of the system a transducer which a capacitor microphone whose the function is to piece the sound and it out put to feed in to class. A amplifier microphone preamplifier of two transistor stage cable of amplifier the sound to a standard were it be accepted by the schmih trigger or built using comparator with hysterics. This comparator with hysterics is acting as amuroge to digital convector (AID) whose one put switching between high or low conditionally. An interface containing a transistor switching circuit with rally at it out put such that once a sound is pick up out the input the rally is energized capable of switching an alarm circuit on.
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