Microscope is a device used for examining small objects and tiny living organisms like bacteria, fungi etc that cannot be seen with the naked eye. The primary aim of this research work is to repair and give adequate maintenance of laboratory microscopes in Science Laboratory Technology Department in Institute of Management and Technology (I.M.T) Enugu. This was achieved by replacing all the missing parts, lubricating the rusty parts. If followed by cleaning the microscope with clean rag and checking all the functional parts to know whether there is any further mal functioning in the parts replaced, plugging it to the source of light electricity to ensure that is an good working orders. Moreso, the lenses were cleaned with clean rag immersed in xylene and xylem oil. Any finally coupled back for use.
The microscope is a vital instrument in a great variety of scientific and technical work, and is used by many who have otherwise no considerable acquaintance with optical instruments (Martin 1966). It is also defined as a device used for examining small objects and tiny living organisms like bacteria, fungi, protozoa, algae and virus which cannot be seen with the eye (Carpenter 1977).
Today both light and electron microscopes are used extensively in microbiology research. Prokaryotic cells, nucleoids, large organelles of eukaryotic cells are seen by the use of light microscope. Using electron microscope objects which are small as the single protein molecules are seen. Microscopes are very important to microbiologists interested in the structure of living organisms. A good microscope provides both increased magnification (increases the apparent size of an object) and resolution (increase the clarity of the image). The ability of microscopes to make small details visible depends on the wavelength of the illumination used to view the object. The smaller the wavelength, the smaller the details that can be seen. The best light microscopes, using the shortest light waves in the blue range (wavelength about 450 nanometers), can reveal objects in the specimen as small as 0.2 micrometer. The use of microscope is simple and straight forward, demanding no more than the observance of a few simple rules and the choice of a suitable system for observation and illumination (Howard 1980).
The microscope is used in histological studies and study of microbiology in the Science Laboratory Department. It is used to examine and determine the morphology or morphological characters of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, protozoa, algae and virus. The election microscope is now used to examine a vast range of substances of organic and inorganic origin. The microscopes are used for visualizing and measuring differences in phase or optical path in transparent or reflecting specimens.
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