This project work is a complete work done on the contribution of transportation industry of the economic development Nigeria. The purpose of this project is to know how the transportation has contributed to the economic development of Nigeria. This project is sufficiently peaceable and comprehensive to absorb the many changes occurring in this work.
Transportation which a mean of moving people and goods from one place to another. The researcher discussed fully on the background of rail transport in Nigeria the problems and its contribution to the economic development. I also disc used the purpose of the research and the definition terms used is the project work.
In chapter two the researcher had on in depth review contribution made by several authors on the subject matter in question and also made reference to journals magazine and dailies.
Chapter three brought the researcher to derailed discussion. In this case the researcher used which were asked the respondent also personal interview and direct observation were used.
Finally the researcher stated the findings made necessary recommendation and finally concluded the work.
History of rail transport on Nigeria stared at 106 years age when the rail was laid linking Lagos and extended to Ibadan and also linking port Harcourt and extended to Jos for excavation of tin mineral the first rail line in Lagos was constructed which extended to extended to Medujri and Carstem regions and also other regions.
In 1955 when railway corporation stands as co-operative society and was no longer control fully by federal government which is when they are operating in the law act of 1955. the railway rail line was operating in three different ways the first that stands as old rail line was know as narrow cage the second that stands as new rail line was know s standard cage and it was faster then the formal one the third one is this recent one that commence is existence as of 1955
Railways corporation as a channel of development to a particular area is divided into seven district. General head office is at Lagos and its head quarters is at Alagumgi Lagos Western district headquarters is Ibadan, Eastern distract head quarter is located Enugu and later extended to port- Harcourt Northern district head quarter is at Bauchi North eastern district is located at Carffanchian and the lest north central district head quarters is at Minna. Nigeria Boil way corporation also have branch at London and Indian
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