The growth and innovation in the field of science and technology and the complex nature of modern business activities and the need for the expert handling of modern equipment and budget I call for the urgent training and development of organization manpower resources in order to meet these challenges.
Today, we know that our problem is not how to avoid change but how to analyze the victim that all development spells opportunity and get ourselves equipped to handle the increasing complexity in manpower and managerial activities.
The research work undertake a survey of the manpower development policies and programmes of the Nigeria Railway Corporation and found that though there exists an established policy and programmes for employee development there polices and programmes are deficient in content and complementation.
Based on the followings, we suggested an immediate review of the training and development policy and programme in order to make it more functional and adaptable to the present and future needs of corporations intended objectives.
In carrying out the research, oral interview and research questionnaire were used. The analysis of the questionnaire was done based on percentages. Allowing the greater or less than factor to influence the judgment either by mollified the oral interview responses gotten. The work is divided into five chapters. The first chapter contains the statements of problem and purposes of the study. Three assumptions were made as forming basis for the study.
In chapter two, relevant literature on manpower development and man power development problems, methods and strategies were reviewed. In chapter three, the research methodology and source of data are presented. Chapter four contains the presentation and analysis of data and test of hypothesis. The chapter five contains summary of the findings, conclusion and recommendation.
1.1 Background of the study
2.1 Defining manpower training and development
3.1 Introduction to the study
4.0 Presentation, analysis and interpretation of data
5.0 Summary of findings, conclusion and recommendation
Contemporary thoughts on national development and growth emphasize the need for the training and retaining of the human resources and economic independence of the nations. The objectivity of this assertion becomes apparent when viewed against the background of the study. Damages wrecked on the socio-political and economic structure and integrity of most independent developing nations by foreign interest acting under pretension of assisting them in their development efforts.
The realization of complete independence is therefore a function of an effective development strategies and efficient utilization of a country’s potentials studies shows that most countries are blessed with abundant natural resources. They lock the basic technology for transforming and maximizing the benefits of these natural endowment resulting from the under development of the human portentous.
Since Nigeria gained her independence in 1960, we have been faced with the challenge of providing adequate and effective manpower need for the management of our economic resources.
Our inability to provide for the necessary manpower needs results in the inefficient and under utilization of the abundant economic resources. Most organization in Nigeria is so much concerned with the profits maximization, they ignore the need for training their workers, and instead, they consider the money they will spend on their training programme as waste rather than as an investment. The fail to foresee the desirability of continuous retaining and development of their workers in order to promote the efficiency and effectiveness of their organization. Consequently instead of growing, the business rather fails and much capital wasted.
Commenting on the general poor development of the Nigerian workers, W.R. Haires observed that the Nigerian workers are under used, under employed, frustrated and preventive from bringing their talents to bear on the well-being of their employers, organization and the nation at large.
Manpower development is a dynamic process, in other words, it is a response to change in the beliefs, attitudes and behaviour of individuals so that they can better adopt new techniques and challenges.
In recognition of the need for the training and development of the human potentials and resources of employees as a means of achieving organizational objectives and goal with efficiency and effectiveness, the Nigeria railway corporation established a training policy for her employee. In pursuance of this noble objective of manpower development and training by the organization, a lot of difficulties arises which affected the success of the programme. This research work is therefore directed towards an evaluation of the manpower development and training programme of the corporation with a view to identifying problem areas (where any) and making suggestions on ways of achieving greater successes in their manpower development efforts.
After an employee has been recruited and inducted, his skills must be updated and developed to better fit into the job and the organization. The need for training and developing the employee not only arises from the fact that he might not fit in the job posses the necessary skill needed in the job but have the effect of the dynamic nature of the society influenced by changes in the field of science and technology necessitated the continuous improvement of worker’s skill and the sill he expected to have in order better fit into the new job demands is bridged by manpower training.
Many organizations have over the years established good manpower training and development programmes in order incite better employee performance at work and increased productivity. Good development programmes have not always been easy to attain in organization because of the forces that impede against the achievement of their objectives. Some of the impeding forces include selections or recruitment problems, training procedure and inadequate facilities, government policy, the economy and labour legislation. The crucial problems this research will address include:
A critical analysis of these problems will be done with a view to determining their causes and consequences on the corporation. The researcher will also make contribution on ways of redressing the problems.
The decision to research on this field of human development results from my interest in the areas of manpower planning and development as it occupies a strategic position in the effective and efficient realization of organization’s goal.
Apart from giving the reader a general idea of what manpower training and development entails, this study is designed to examine and clarify the following issues:-
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