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          This study looked into the impact of strike action in the achievement of trade Union aims in an organization in specific interest in NUT Enugu State.

          In Carrying out this work relevant research questions were asked.

Relevant literatures were reviewed with the aim of author dictating the issue Under study. The research used descriptive design for the project layout for respondents of data collection (questionnaire) the data on the respondent response analyzed using simple fable, one of the findings showed that workers join the Union for the purposes of promoting and ensure job security.

          Based on this findings certain recommendation were made which include, management should sit up to settle dispute and the latent stage and that of Job security so as to enhance organizational productivity





1.1     Background of the study

1.2     Statement of the problem

1.3     Purpose of the study

1.4     Scope of the question

1.5     Research question

1.6     Significance of the study

1.7     Limitation of the study

1.8     Definition of terms




2.0     Review of related literature

2.1     The early days and development of unionism in nigeria

2.2     Objective and functions of trade union

2.3     The objective and function of trade union strikes

2.4     Evaluation of strike as one of the tools of trade unions




3.0 Research design and methodology

3.1 Research design

3.2 Area of the study

3.3 Population of the study

3.4 Instrument for data collection

3.5 Validation of the instrument

3.6 Reliability of the instrument

3.7 Method of data collection

3.8 Method of data analysis




4.0 Data presentation and analysis

4.1 Testing of hypothesis

4.2 Summary of results



5.0 Discussion recommendation and conclusion

5.1 Discussion of results/findings

5.2 Conclusion

5.3 Implication of the research finding

5.4 Recommendation

5.5 Suggestion for further research











          The early 70’s saw and witnessed the end of political crisis and at its time organized labour which was put into the coffin during the civil war was once released free its dilemma of whether or not to forget industrial action in the life rest national security.

          With the civil war, labour militate its demand for improvement in the wage structure and other condition of employment throughout the country. Workers protest coupled with the government gravening realization of the poor economic state of the working class ultimately led to the establishment of certain commissions like the Adebo commission.

          Since 1970, to the present time, workers demand have increased the number of strike action as management could not satisfy the needs of employees in the face of economic recession.

          Strike among others, is not of the root through which employees force management to access to the demand. In the study, however, we are going to examine the causes of strike, its consequences and effectiveness as a weapon of trade union, in achieving their aims. Mention of course would briefly became of the history and development of trade union in Nigeria.

          Strike defined by second 37 (1) of trade depute No: 7 1976 is a cessation of work by a body of employed purpose acting in combination or a concern refusal under a common understanding of any number of employed purpose to continue to work for an employer in consequence of a dispute, done as a means of compelling of purpose employed to aid other workers.

          As it stands, threat force strike is one word that thorn the flash of management.

          Each time strike occurs, substantial out is lost during the first general strike of 1945 1993 (ASU strike Jam 2000 (NLC strike when the government disagreed with civil servant on wages and allowances about forth working days were lost.

          Output dropped substantial as a request government had to upgrade salaries in a bid to resolve between 1980, 82, 1993. and 1999 to 2000 respectively, there was a spot of industrial and trade deputies and work stoppage in the country requiting in a high loss in men hours and productivity.

          This spate of industrial unrest was evidently a result of lack of adequate attention to the human labour in business organization.

          There has been no giant sagging the fact that human factor is of paramount in industry commerce and civil service

          The management profit has a heresy made them maximizing profit has a heavy made them to pay little or no attention to the human faction in the organization. This relegation of human factor to the background by management has been a services but latent cause of increase in strike action on with it resultant consequences. it is the purpose of the work to probe into this and acquaint the management, with the tools for combating this hydra headed monster.




          The unstable industrial relation climate, Nigeria just within the last decade has resulted in all time record of cost working hour, unprecedented work stoppages as a result of strike.

          In the first six months of the year 1982 Nigeria lost a total of 4, 598 man-hours because of strike action by workers. This represented a 342% increase in the five cost during the first half of 1959 and is even more then 100% higher than the 2,244, 984 man hours. Besides this alarming strike occurrence. There are many others in the hundred of reported officially. A is against this background that this research effort is consummated with the definite mission of providing answers to the following questions

1.       Are such trade despites and industrials unrest as a result of unsettled grievance.

2.       What change exist for handing the grievance?

3.       If strike occurs, what are the procedure for setting them.

4.       If strike the only effective means of achieving union aims.




          The purpose of this study is to probe into the effectiveness of strike action as a means of achieving union aims from management. This study is based on a case study of Nigeria union of teachers (NUT) Enugu state.

          Precisely, the study is focused on the following issues, tools for achieving union demand from management strike as a major tool in achieving union aim the effectiveness of strike action aim achievement union aim measured against the regular occurrence of strike actions.

The recommendation which will be based mainly on the findings of the research will be implemented straighten the effectiveness of strike action as means of achieving union aims. If on the other hand the study suggest a better way of achieving union aims than strike them of cause the mentioned will be recommended.

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