This work on the problem of debt management in Nigeria financial institutions. A case study of union bank Plc Garden Avenue Enugu, you see for some tears a lot of reorganization has been going on in nation’s financial system. The appropriateness of a work into this area need not be over emphasis considering what is going on in the nation’s financial institutions
The distress bank issue is an offspring of the problems of debt mat in Nigeria financial institution.
Well union bank Plc was not one of distressed bank but then study has shown that debt management in financial; institution still faces a lot of problem as will be seen from the study carried out in union bank Plc garden Avenue Enugu.
In the course of this study, data were collection by means of face to face questionnaire blended with sparing interviews with the Advance department of the Bank.
2.1 Debt and Debt Management Defined
3.1 Method of Data Collection
5.1 Summary of Findings
Financial institutions is that sector of the economy providing the community with money balances and payment up of banks and sector of the economy is made up of banks and non-banks financial institutions like financial house, mortgage house and other institutions that provide financial services and intermediation to the various segment of the economy.
In modern society, economic prosperity and progress depend largely on level of savings in the nation. It happens that some one’s savings is made available to an investor for productive venture like what happens in commercial banks. When this happens a debt is created. A debt which has been described as an obligation to made future payment. It is against the borrowers promise to made future payment. As a result of this the owners of these funds faces the risk of not getting their money in good time or losses it entirely when the custodian of these funds cannot mange then well hence debt management becomes a sing anon to guarantee the confidence of the individual depositor that his money is safe-debt management involves arrangement put in place for repayment of these credit facilities.
In the same vain it also fulfill a wider role in safe guiding the stability of the individual bank and thus the banking system as a whole. At this juncture ,the researcher will mention that this work is based on the constrains in relation with debt tagged the problems of management in Nigeria financial institution (A case study of union bank Plc Garden Avenue Enugu).
Recently, the banking sector undergo a traumatic experience whereby some banks were judged distressed, this however was a direct manifestation of improper debt management.
The fundamental role banks and non-banks financial institutions is to intermediate between the surplus deficits sector of the economy.
Ensuring that inventible that will generate new valves at make the economy grows.
In performing this role, banks are exposed to credits risks, for instance, the possibility that the borrower will not repay the credit granted them when it falls due, or even fail out right to repay paragraph when this possibility becomes a reality a bank is said to be set with problems of debt loan and other credit facilities this however has made financial
However, union bank Plc is not distressed but market failure is inevitable given the nature of banking. As emphasized by (Dale 1984) the financial condition of a bank s not determine even by analysis with sophisticated techniques at their disposal, every important, since this problems are man made.
You will agree with me that all banks are faced with numerous problems in managing to do debt. The research deemed it timely to do a research on these problems with a view to
1. Study the credit administration in UBN with a view to identifying loose ends.
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