Analyzing Administration Of Secondary School In Enugu Urban
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Analyzing Administration Of Secondary School In Enugu Urban
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This study of school administration identified the problems prospects of effective administration of secondary school as well as the competencies needed for effective administration of the secondary school by the principle

Based on the research question twenty problem items nineteen prospect  item and sixteen competency items were administered to twelve prncopals    of secondary schools Enugu Urban.  The three research question which guided this study are.

  1. What are the problems facing the effective management/ administration of the secondary school
  2. What are the competencies needed for effective administration of the secondary school?





  1. Background of the study
  2. Statement of problem
  3. Objective of the study
  4. Significance of study
  5. Research question
  6. Scope of study
  7. Limitation of study
  8. Definition of terms



Review of literature 

2.0     Introduction

  1. The problem & prospect of administration of secondary schools.
  2. Competences needed for effective administration of the secondary  schools.
  3. Process to be followed for effective administration
  4. Absolute of substandard secondary school.    




3.0     Introduction

  1. Research design
  2. Population  of the study
  3. Sample size determination
  4. Instrument for data collection
  5. Validation of the instrument
  6. Reliability of the instrument 
  7. Method of data collection




  1. Presentation and analysis of data
  2. Testing of hypothesis
  3. Summary of findings




  1. Discussion of findings
  2. Conclusion
  3. Recommendation
  4. Suggestion for further study





The western from of formal education started back in 1842 by the activities of the Christian missionaries while real secondary education in Nigeria started in 1926 with first education followed by Hussey’s educational proposal of 1930

Since then mission and other voluntary organizations had been in control of primary secondary and teachers education till 1970 when the  federal military government took over of school from voluntary organizations.

The aim and objective was to enable the government rededicate theracy   in the country through rapid educational expansion.  This led the federal military government of Nigeria to introduce the universal primary education (U.PE) (1976) this programme resulted in population explosion of pupils in primary schools to the extent that the existing school  resources were no longer enough for the pupils now eager to recover education.

The pupils  were sheds and manpower were equally not sufficient leading to the employment of untrained teachers usually described as auxiliary teachers ands also the introduction of crash programmes

The graduated of the primary schools found it difficult to get admission in the existing secondary school because of the insufficient number of secondary school is this pushed the government to establish secondary school here and there the communities also established secondary schools through self efforts to enable their children gain admission into schools near their homes to reduce the cost of feeding housing and other sundry expenses etc.

Unfortunately the aim and objective for the establishment of secondary education in Nigeria is no longer  receiving the necessary attention hence our secondary education is facing a lot of set backs. This set backs cluster around ineffective and inefficient management of the secondary schools by the state ministry of education

For the aim and objective of secondary education to reflect its purpose there is the need for both efficiency and effectiveness in the management of the secondary school by both the state education ministry and secondary school management itself.

The success or failure of any school depends partly a the type of leader managing the affairs of the school.  To perform effectively in the educational system and the schools as an educational system and the schools as an administrator the researcher has adopted the definition of leadership as by fielder (1967) and Stogdill (1960)

To Stogdil  leadership is the process of influencing group activities towards goal- setting and goal achievement.  Fielder focused on personal decision of leaders as constituting leadership effectiveness. He is of the view that a group success depends on two factors the leadership style and the amount  of control and influence the leader has on a group also that task and  outcome.  It goes on to define the leader as the individuals in the group given the task related group activities and who in the absence of designated leader carries the primary responsibility of performing these functionless in the group.

The research beloved that a study on the problems and prospect  of the administration of the secondary  school in Enugu Urban would help to facilitate qualitative secondary education. It is hoped that it work have a better favourable impact on secondary school administration



Effective and efficient  educational administration is necessary for the achievement of educational aims and objective changes in aims of education will invariable lead to change administrative plans which in turn will give rise to problems of finance and ineffective manpower resources which are the necessary factors of administration needed for execution of educational objectives

The quest for secondary school education by the people ahs pushed the government into establishing many secondary schools

According to Ezeocha (1990) with the proliferation of secondary schools in the whole of Nigeria the government of each of the states has come face with the difficulties of meeting even the beeriest needs of these new colleges. The problem  is therefore that the increase  in the number and size of the schools have implication for administration one of the most pressing problem is to identify the prostate solutions to the many lingering problem facing the effective administration of the secondary school and to delineate adequate behavioural profit for effective management of schools that have grown in size and number.  As a first step towards creating favourable conditions for leadership effectiveness and qualitative secondary education the study was confronted with problem of identifying

  1. The problems facing effective administration of the secondary
  2. The prospects to these problems
  3. The competencies needed for effective administration of the secondary school  



According to Hicks (1953) “the fortunes of men throughout the ages have been determined largely by their leader” the dreams and aspirations of  such generation  have sought substance in the  occupying position of responsibility. The role of leadership then may be one of societies most effective interment for advancement.

The purpose of this study therefore is to be able to sort out the problems of effective management of the secondary school the prospects and to provide a general overview of effective practice as per coved by those involved in the Nigeria federation of educational researchers  (N.F.E.F). Also the state ministry of education is to know their duties and responsibilities towards the schools.  Particular attention is gives to the attribute and qualities that were commonly seen as contributing towards “good” school leadership and school practice.             


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