Every manager in organizations takes action everybody, which affects people. Most often he may create or avoid problems support or suppress creativity, inspire on frustrate his punition of the human organization. It becomes ever clearer when considered from the view point of appraising performances of his subordinates. Hence, the ability of most organization to appraise the performance of their employees accordingly has resulted in low productivity.
Relevant literatures were reviewed and this exposed the views of various researchers on performance appraisal. And the procedures used for the collection of data were the questionnaires and oral interview. The stratified random sampling method was used to choose the respondents.
From the analyzed data, it was discovered that the results of the yearly performance evaluation were mostly used as the basis for personal decision. Hence, the appraisal system seems to have tremendous impact on promotion, termination and increment of salaries of junior employees of National Electric Power Authority (NEPA).
It was recommended among other things that performance appraisal of junior employees should not be the only basis through which they are promoted or receive their increments and other benefits.
Reference 15
Literature review 16
Presentation and analysis of data 34
References 63
It was Ducker (970:80) who stated that the principle objectives of any organization is survival and from this all other objective flow. Thus, if a profit is needed for survival profits is the objective, if survival depends on growth, their growth becomes an objective etc.
In pursuit of this survival there exist certain differences between the ends and means of the organization on one hand, and the goals and values of the individual employees on the other. These difference sometimes generate tension, which tends to focuses on t
he nebulous concepts of control. That means that the control human element in the enterprise.
Controlling of human performances is safety focused upon three separately identified functions.
Selection, supervision and incentives. Against this background, it is part of the personnel manager’s concern to secure the labour force which the enterprises / organization required to meet its objectives. Different method been established to help make this more reliable. Once secured, there remains the need to cannot (supervision and incentive) in order to hold the selected employees to the appropriate causes of action indicated by those objectives supervision and incentive depends on their efficacy and fairness, on the ability of the organization to measures the performance of employees against some notional nouns of performance, which are derived from the set objectives.
The knowledge and appreciation of performance appraisal system dates back to sometime in the sixteenth century at the time of saint ignatus of Loyola after he had founded the society of Jesuit. In his attempt to provide a comprehensive portrait of Jesuits activities and potentials, he used the combination of reporting and rating systems. By this system, each member of the organization made a safe rating, each supervisor prepared reports on his subordinates, performances and also special report was sent directly to the society’s father-general from any Jesuit who had information relating to his on her colleagues performance which he / she thought father general might not receive.
In 1842, the USA congress passed a law requiring the Departmental heads to make annual reports stating among other things whether each clerk has been carefully employed and the removal of some to permit the appointment of other would lead to a better dispatch of the public business of course, this step did influence performance appraisal. Among many appraisal systems that were developed and tried at that time was the one by Carl Scharz for the pension office in 1987, which was used to measure employee performance by simply counting the number of errors, they made in a year.
Performance Appraisal is a continuous assessment of the subordinate’s performance against the organizational goals. Defined by Evinma C., Nwandu E. Nnenna B. Ani and Ojemba B. Agbo (2003) as the name given to the regular formalized and record review of the way in which an individual is performing his job. There are formal or conventional appraisal system and informal or unconventional system.
In any situation where an organization has laid down policy on a formal procedure to be followed in appraising its staff, conventional appraisal system is used. It could be the confidential reporting or an open appraisal system.
The confidential reporting system is one in which the supervisor makes a secret evaluation of the subordinate’s performance without giving them the opportunity of seeing their comments, or remarks that has been made on him / her. This system has received a lot of criticism because of its pitfalls. Nonetheless some organizations make use of this system and exploit it’s potentials depending on the situations.
The open report system is the direct opposite of the confidential system. It applies in a situation where the employee is allowed to be through his / her appraisal form so as to make some comments on his / her supervisor’s assessment. By doing this, the employee knows on the sport his / her supervisor’s opinions or impressions about his / her performance. This system ahs received the recommendation of many writers and authors including the celebrated, “Udoji Public Service Review Commission of 1972-1974.
The importance of performance appraisal program especially at this era of emphasis on productivity, efficiency and profitability is that it is a potential instrument for achieving organizational objectives as well as helping the individuals within the organization to achieve their personal objectives, therefore a formal system.
It is truism to say that the personnel function must be consistent with those of the enterprise it serves. It is also a truism to say that enemy one in the organization is a personnel man. The hopes, aspirations, fear, problems and apathy’s, actions, balances, creativity and innovativeness of people determine the ultimate success or failure of the business. It suffices to say that every manger in the organization takes actions everyday or most of the times which affect the people. Thus, the may create or avoid problem, support or suppress creativity or inspire or frustrate his portion of the longer human organization. It becomes even, cleaver when considered from the point of view of the performance of his subordinate.
To that extent problems could be created or avoided, creativity could be supported or suppressed depending on the performance appraisal system, adopted by the enterprise – particularly for its junior staff. At one time we may hear the news of the firing of the junior staff of the National Electric Power Authority (NEPA). At the other time we hear the news of hiring of he junior staff of the same authority. Even thought the appraisal system adopted by the authority is sound as it encompasses all facets that is expected, but still there are some lop holes that gives room for manipulation, which at the end does not really expose those silent point, that is required to asses the employee as supposed. So, the researcher figured that since termination, employment, promotions, demotions, and motivation co-hinge on performance of its junior staff. We therefore need to analyze the performance appraisal systems of the junior staff of NEPA to be able to come out with a conclusion as to its efficacies or otherwise.
In other words, performance appraisal systems of the junior staff of NEPA have been traced as the problem, which this research work has been assigned to look into.
The research work intends to test the following question below:
This research study has set for itself the objective of analyzing the performance appraisal system of junior staff of NEPA specifically the study seeks.
The following null hypothesis are hereby generated for this study.
Ho: There is no significant difference in the nature of performance appraisal system obtainable in NEPA as a public Organization as it affects the junior staff.
Hi: There is no significant difference in the nature of performance appraisal system as it is obtainable in NEPA as it affects the junior staff of NEPA.
Ho: There is no significant difference on the influence of performance appraisal on the junior staff of NEPA.
Hi: There is no significant difference on the influence of performance appraisal on the junior staff of NEPA.
Ho: The promotion and demotion, termination and dismissal is not determined on performance appraisal system on the junior staff of NEPA.
Hi: The promotion and demotion, termination and dismissal is determined on performance appraisal system on the junior staff of NEPA.
Ho: There no significant different of efficient in the system adopted by NEPA in apprising the performance appraisal system of it’s junior staff.
Hi: There is significant different of efficient in the system adopted by NEPA in apprising the performance appraisal system of it’s junior staff.
Ho: The improvement on the organization’s performance appraisal technique is not dependent on the management of NEPA.
Hi: The improvement on the organization’s performance appraisal technique is dependent on the management of NEPA.
A study of this nature obviously is meant to contribute meaningfully to vast areas of human endeavour, besides it is significance at least to the extent that tot his researcher, it is going to serve as a partial fulfillment of the total
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