This term paper talks about the role of Nigeria deposit insurance corporation play in revaring mother to unfold this. This time paper is divided into 5 segments or 5 chapters.
Chapter one talks about the introduction and the background of the study that is chapter one given preview on the history of Nigeria deposit insurance. Chapter two talks about review of related literature that is what other people had written in relation to the topic.
Chapter three talks about the research methodology that is how the data related to the topic was collected.
Chapter four talks about the summary of finding and lastly chapter five talks about the recommendation and conclusion.
As part of the reform measures taken to strengthen the supervisory sector the Nigeria deposit insurance corporation (NDIC) was established by degree No. 22 of 1985 the reinforcement because imperative given the up urge in the member of licensed banks following the adoption of the policy of economic deregulation but in addition to this there was also the long-term need to create and sustain in enabling environment that will engender safe and should banking practice against destructive runs, protecting bank deposit (especially those of small savers) and ensuring fair play amongst the comparative banks, these cardinal consider actions were re-informed by the lesson of history of banks features in Nigeria the experience of others countries where deposit insurance schemes are being operated and there alive of the prevailing distressed financial condition of the banks in particular and other financial intermediaries in the financial sector in general. A collaborated study of distress in the Nigeria financial sector was conducted by the corporation and the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and its finding corroborated the earlier held view that distress among the Nigeria banks was precipitated by or complex set of interrelated problems that had for long afflicted the industry these include poor management capital inadequacy, poor lending etc.
Ever since its establishment the Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC) has consistent with its mandate as provided in NDIC degree, continued to ensure and sound banking system the sanitization of the banking sector has remained the primary focus of the corporations activities through the adoption of appropriate failure resolute options and effective implement action of various laws promulgate by the government to stem the hide of distress in the system.
Before the advent of Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation many banks in Nigeria has undergo distress or had to beyond owing to regulations and fraud in banking sector, they exist no organize body that is monitoring the activities of the bank hence mismanagement and fraud because the order of the body people without solid capital base come together and form bank and this leads to distress or liquidation in the event of any slight or small shake in this capital base the above and many more bring about the formation of deposit insurance corporation.
The following objectives of this study which the researcher have designed to achieve are:
The important of Nigeria deposit Insurance Corporation unrevealing distress bank can be over empharise over distress. The important are enumerated blow NDIC insures bank deposit there by helping to promote stability safety confidence and sound banking system in Nigeria, protect corporation these actions provide by diagnosis for updating the trend in distress as well as indicating the next possible line of action in the sanitization drive. The second set of actions conceptualized and expect corrective as well as preventive of further delineation in the financial condition of the distress banks in Nigeria.
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