This project is a case study of inventory management functions as it practiced in seven – up Bottling Company PLC Aba.
The research is an in – depth study of the situation at the company, in face of the prevailing conditions of non – availability of raw materials, scarcity of funds and general economic uncertainties in the nation.
Chapter one gives the background information and operational definition of terms used in the study. And also, the research hypothesis, which was later tested in chapter four, was disclosed in this chapter. Chapter two is a review of the basic concepts, theories and practices in the management of inventory. Chapter two also contained the definition of inventory management of and the existing benefits to inventory management.
In chapter three, there was a discussion on the method used in collecting and analyzing data collected, which is actually presented and analyzed in chapter four. In chapter five, the concluding chapter, the findings were evaluated in the course of the project and made due recommendation such as the maintenance of optimum stock level in the company.
Title page II
Certification III
Dedication IV
Acknowledgement V
Abstract VI
Table of Content IX
Bibliography 104
Appendices 106
Inventory in some big organization constitute the largest item of working capital and it’s control is very essential. The management’s of inventory have always been essential function of financial managers and are increasingly becoming a specialist function.
It is important to recognize that a company’s inventory holding are essentially viewed as necessary evil. They are costly to maintain both the up working capital and also incurring what may be substantial expenses for the company in respect of storage e.g (Ware house, rent, security etc ) .
Items that can be grouped under inventory include raw materials, work in progress and finished goods. Raw material inventory constitute the item necessary for manufacturing companies product. These items of raw material as to the company dealing with are concentrates, sugar c02 and piet.
Inventory work in progress constitutes the items of raw material inventory undergoing some process of production, which have not yet been completed. Inventory of finished goods are actual product, which the company manufactures for sale. These are seven –up pepsi – Cola and Savanna. It is apparent that the effective management of inventory is maintained to maximize cost of production. While the company will certainly have An objective of minimizing cost of production it will equally have other conflicting inventory objectives. These other objectives includes:
The fundamental questions to which answer are required are therefore
Included in this chapter is the defiled discussion of the background information of the plant also an overview of the inventory management process in the company (seven – up Bottling Company Aba )
There is a formal structure with the plant manager as the head of the plant. He has the responsibility of implementing corporate policies formulated at the top management level. He does this with the assistance of his supervisors and officer clerks.
This section is headed by accountant who reports administratively to the managing director. He has under him the account supervisor who works in this section. The accountant interact with other departmental heads and he is a cosignatory to the final accounts. He helps the plant manager to monitor the actual level of inventory, sales and production through data made available to him by the sores, production and sales department as well as computation from within his own department. Such information help the managing director to evaluate his performance against the manual budget.
This is headed by the sales manager who monitors market trends. He is able to determine the level of where demand is outstripping production or where is a stock analysis made by reference to the different brands.
His information is communicated to the production department through the managing dir
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